Revise Thoroughly: Continuously revise your study material to avoid losing marks. |
Don’t go after multiple sources , try to limit your limit your sources to basic with multiple revision |
Distinguish Facts from Concepts: Analyze the past 10-12 years' UPSC prelims test question papers to make assessment of the types of question |
Stay Calm, Trust Your Prep: Don't let anxiety take over. Remember, everyone gets the same paper. |
Focus on understanding the basics, which are highly conceptual and high-scoring. |
Not following a schedule in a disciplined way. |
Manage Current Affairs: Dedicate a few hours daily to current affairs from now on and regularly revise. |
Maintain Pre-Exam Concentration: Your mental state before the test matters significantly. |
Don't try to cover everything everyday; focus on what you can manage. |
Don’t skip Practice of OMR Sheet: Practice tests with OMR sheets for reducing errors in filling OMR. |
Allocate daily time for map work and keep revisiting it. |
Don’t leave questions without reviewing it - Review All Questions Don't skip questions without looking at the options. |
Practice Prelims Test Papers: Regardless of your preparation level, work on tests everyday. |
Develop a strategy based on exam pattern to decide how much questions to attempt. Don't set a predetermined number of questions to attempt. |
Optimize Study Hours: Concentrate intensely during two key slots: 9 am to 12 pm and 2 pm to 5 pm up to the exam. |